This specialist department of the BFA Group comprises 3 Chartered Surveyors, registered under the RICS Valuation Registration Scheme hailing from different specialist backgrounds who deal with the survey and valuation of real property for a multitude of purposes and clients. The department comprises of 2 Professional Associate Members (MRICS), and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), whom provide professional qualified advice on a wide range of property investment and management matters as well as property development appraisals and specialist valuation work.
Being a Firm “Regulated by RICS”, the company professionals make sure that all property related services offered by all branches of the BFA Group which do not need to adhere to any statutory or regulatory practice regulations in Gibraltar such as property and estate management, real estate agency, and rental administration services. BFA Group adheres to RICS guidance and recommended practice, as well as complying with the mandatory regulatory disciplines and professional ethics demanded by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. For more information on firm regulation please refer to Q&A or visit
What do BFA Valuers do?
BFA Valuers specialize mostly in property investment appraisal and mortgage valuation reporting and advisory services, as well as providing development feasibility appraisals and a range of other professional valuation advisory work on rental disputes, lease management matters, schedules of dilapidation, independent expert reports, mediation and representation. BFA Valuers also undertake general and conditional property surveys, and other consultancy for government and other private and quasi public corporations seeking valuation advice on residential and commercial property in Gibraltar.
We carry out a wide range of valuations, mainly for rental purposes, insurance purposes, mortgage / accounting purposes, and we specialize in all real property from retail to residential, offices and other commercial property. We carry Professional Indemnity Insurance cover bound by the Rules of Conduct and Professional Practice as stipulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

All the chartered surveyors in the firm are registered under the RICS Valuation Registration Scheme which entails yearly audit on quality control by RICS, on the firm as a whole and each individual registered valuer to ensure that professional standards are maintained.
BFA Valuers daily advice and consult with financial lending institutions who require specialist advice on property related matters regarding property securitization for mortgage purposes. We deal with a wide range of property valuations, and provide comprehensive reporting to a number of retail and private banks and other financial lending institutions securing finance on property in Gibraltar and some regions of Spain. We currently work on all types of commercial and residential property in Gibraltar including development land, and in Spain we concentrate mostly in mortgage valuation work for private banks who deal with the luxury end of the residential market. Our work broadly covers the following:

Classification of Property BFA group work with
- Retail
- Residential
- Offices
- Light Industrial / Workshops
- Leisure Property