Landlords Information
Almost every Real Estate Investor desires a satisfactory income from their properties without the inconvenience of having to manage and attend to it.
The rental market is in high demand and with our experience since 1986, we offer you the solution to property management.
At BFA we offer our expertise and personalized techniques of managing your property.
Our management concept is founded on professionalism, integrity, accountability, and quality of service that guarantees the maximum return from your investment, while maintaining your property at the highest standards to attract the best tenants possible.
We currently manage a vast selection of rented accommodation ranging from luxury apartments to the more modest properties in town. Our comprehensive management service offers bespoke attention to your property, below are our standard services.

Services Provided
- Providing property details and displayed in our very successful website
- Monthly email-shots of our rental porfolio to Corporate firms
- Assisting in the furnishing and fitting out to the property if required
- Preparation and signature of the Tenancy Agreement and monitoring compliance with the terms thereof
- Detailed and full inventory of the premises and contents prior to signature of the Tenancy Agreement
- Checking inventory upon expiry of term before returning deposit
- Dealing with routine enquires from tenants
- Assistance in organising any works required in the property with Landlords consent
- Invoicing and collection of rents on due date
- Assistance in the connection and disconnection of the utilities to both Landlord and Tenant
- Close consultation with Landlords in obtaining insurance both for contents and loss of rent
- Liasing with lawyers if required
- Payment of service charges and rates from rental income
- Monthly transfer of net rental income to nominated Landlords account together with monthly financial statements, via email or as requested