High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS)
Introduced in Gibraltar in 2008 a company can apply to the Finance Centre Director to have employees designated as HEPSS individuals.
HEPSS individuals must possess specialist skills of exceptional economic value to Gibraltar and have skills that are not available in Gibraltar, with tax limited to the first £160,000 of assessable income.
Income tax liability is limited to the first £160,000 of assessable income under the Gross Income Based System, resulting in an annual tax payable of £39,940. Conditions on residential accommodation and previous non-residency apply. The Finance Centre Director must confirm suitability before the HEPSS enters into any residential property agreements.
The Finance Centre Director will issue a certificate if the individual meets the criteria set out above and he is satisfied that the applicant is of substantial and sound financial standing, of good character, and that the issue of the certificate to the individual will not be harmful to Gibraltar’s reputation as a well-regulated finance centre.
The above information has been provided to us by courtesy of Legacy Consulting Limited The contents in this newsletter are for information purposes only and do not constitute advice. Legacy Consulting Limited is a law firm registered in Gibraltar with its business address situate at 6.23 World Trade Center, 6 Bayside Road, Gibraltar.

For further information please contact:
Email: emmalejeune@legacy-consultancy.com
Tel: (00350) 20051300